
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Just Because

I have a man who loves me
I think he's very sweet
He puts up with my foibles
He thinks I am a treat

I have a man that I love
I think he is the bomb
He has awesome hobbies
He fills my life with song

What a lucky combo
Married to our friend
We think we won the lotto
We hope it never ends

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thanks, Carolyn!

One of the advantages of being a home educating mom up late at night on Facebook is that there are other home educating moms up late at night on Facebook, and sometimes they say cool things like, "We just came in from watching a lot of meteors flash across the night sky..." Which gives others of us cool ideas like, "I wonder if I could see some meteors if I go outside?" And sometimes we can even entice our husbands to get off the cozy couch and away from the interesting show on the tele and join us outside in the freezing cold wintry air to stare at the starry sky.... which is what we found ourselves doing. The stars began to shoot and shoot and shoot and we were delighted and then I felt a little guilty... What kind of home educating parents watch a meteor shower in the freezing cold nearly midnight air while their children are tucked up warm and snug in their cozy beds? So I marched upstairs and stood in the girl's bedroom, I was still bundled like an Eskimo (well, maybe not quite like an Eskimo, but I was wearing a coat and scarf), and I sort of whispered, "Is anyone awake?" Avé politely answered, "Sort of..." I told her what we were up to and she said, "Cool!" And hopped out of bed and found a bathrobe and blanket and a few other essentials and came outside to join us. That was when I notified her that this was school... she scoffed... and said she had to go to the bathroom and I asked if she had a hall pass and she was like, "What?" That was when Chester wandered out, like a bat at noon, stumbling and giggling, his eyes not being adjusted, but his dad and I had adjusted eyes, adjusted enough to see that he was in short sleeves... he was sent directly back into the house to find a coat and when he returned Jason invited Chester to share his chair, because Jason wanted to see a few more shooting stars with his son, but needed some extra warmth! That was when I began to wax reflective and shared that I had a strong feeling that the stars were like angels, and then one shooting star actually appeared to have wings! And then I said, "What if they began to sing?!" And Chester was like, "What?" And I said, "It has happened, the sky being filled with singing angels... Can you imagine? If those stars just burst into song? Wouldn't that be scary? I wonder how the shepherds kept from passing out for fear?" And Chester said, "They had scarier things in their lives than we have in ours." And I was like, "Scarier things than a sky full of singing angels?" And Chester said, "No, they dealt with scarier things than we deal with. They tended sheep and had to chase away bears and other large animals and all we have to deal with are rats." And I saw his point. I said, "I'm probably going to blog about this." Chester said, "Oh well..." Then he said, "The closest thing that people in the city have to seeing shooting stars like this is helicopters." And I said, "Yes, it takes darkness to see light." And Jason said, "Well, folks, I'm freezing." Avé continued watching stars for a few more minutes with our trusty dog, and before long we were all inside, thankful for shooting stars and a warm home, and I had to blog quick, because I was pretty sure I'd forget something by morning... I probably already forgot something... but it was special.

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