
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tree Telepathy

Tree Telepathy

My thoughts:

A tree is not blind
or deaf
A tree is not alone
or without community
or without family
A tree is strong
A tree is wise
A tree is symbolic
A tree is metaphoric
A tree is sacred
A tree is able to be used and abused
I don't think I would have the courage to be a tree
A tree is courageous

The tree's response:

"Don't cry for me,"
said the tree.
"Learn from me
how to be,
and how to be
For we already are."

~The Squirrels favorite Shagbark Hickory growing by the creek

My response:

You are the tree planted by the waters.
I want to be like you.

Though trees do not often get the respect they deserve, they are deserving.
It is towards our own peril that we undervalue the trees.

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