It has also been said that the better a woman's relationship with her mother, the more smoothly she will deliver her babies. Hmmm.... that explains an awful lot, seriously. I have no idea who to attribute that original thought to, but I have been fascinated by mother/daughter relationships and birth stories ever since.
So, my theory is this (it just came to me at 3:00 am as I was trying to sleep):
An unborn child's chakras are initially stimulated by its mother's chakras. All throughout life our chakras can be influenced by ourselves and others, but an unborn child's first energetic chakra interaction is with its mother.
First the Sacral Chakra is activated. A child will probably not attach to the womb if the sacral chakra is too unbalanced, thus an inability to conceive at all. Difficulties may be more likely to arise if a woman is at odds with the energies of the sacral chakra. If a woman's sacral chakra is whole she can more easily accept the new life being offered.
Second the Solar Chakra, the umbilical cord develops to receive nurture. The solar chakra is said to be an energy center of choice. For many reasons the choice to remain in the womb results in miscarriage, but many more times the choice is made to stay. The child accepts the mother, the child bonds with the mother, what the mother eats and drinks at this point is her choice, though she is not the only life affected by that choice.
Third, the heart chakra is activated. It is the chakra of wholeness, of love. How very profound, the love between mother and infant. Of course, we all know that sometimes things do not always work out as ideally as could be hoped. Sometimes mothers are not whole in their own heart chakra and they cannot pass on something that they do not have themselves. If their heart chakras are too blocked or unbalanced they may desire to terminate the pregnancy, or they may choose to give the child up for adoption, or perhaps the child is raised by its birth mother, but a lack of maternal intimacy creates a difficulty for the child to enter into other intimate relationships. All these things are difficult, but perhaps less difficult with chakral awareness.
The throat, brow and crown each have their turn, and I am sure that upon deeper reflection much insight could be gleaned...
The root chakra is last. If an unborn baby's root chakra is activated before it is born it is not a good sign and can make the child very sick, but if the root chakra is stimulated, as it should be, during the birth, as it passes through the birth canal, all is better. I do not want to say that all is well, because the birth canal connects a child to its spiritual ancestral legacies, at least on the mother's side. I suppose that the spiritual connection to the father's side has something to do with how the mother and father's root chakras have interacted up to that time....
So, aboriginal, indigenous type women, with clear connections to their spiritual roots would possibly have less complicated deliveries. A woman whose relationship to her matriarchal clan is not clear would possibly have very complicated deliveries, so much so that the root chakra may not even allow the birth, causing a need for a c-section. Which, in itself seems like a betrayal of feminine instinct, but on the other hand, in this passing era of patriarchy, for a child to disconnect from a heritage of misogyny is probably a very good thing. To instead be born through a different chakra symbolism is powerful.
The root chakra, which is the birth canal, is a chakra of survival instinct. If a child's chakra is not activated by the survival instinct of its mother it is likely to be activated by the survival instinct of a collective. In other words, the child may be less territorial for one particular tribe, and more considered about survival of the species.
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