
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Homeschooling Doesn't Get Much Sweeter Than This!

It's the time of the year when the flowers start blooming, the birds start singing, the gardeners start playing in the dirt, and the bees start swarming! It isn't necessarily the most desirable thing for bees to swarm, unless you can round them back up, in which case you have have another hive full of bees! I have no idea what my beekeeping hubby is going to do this evening, providing the bees stay nearby. In the meantime, our beekeeper apprentice, Chester, is going to keep an eye on things!


A Moment of My Time said...

What a wonderful way to teach!!! I love it!!

Heather~sheaaa6 said...

Love it!! <3
What a huge swarm if bees!! =]

Unknown said...

Such lucky kiddos!!

Mr. Enology said...

I love you, and I love our family and I love our bees:)

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