
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is it Autumn yet?

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."

I am sooooo ready for cooler weather, for the crisp chill of the air, for the smell of woodsmoke, for the enjoyment of using the oven to make the house smell warm and cozy of things like pie and turkey. I am sooooo ready to say goodbye to the flies, and spiders, and heat, and humidity, and weeds, and air conditioning. I am sooooo thankful that I can look forward to the end of summer.
It has been a long, hot one, but I was content to stay indoors and get to know my baby and enjoy her with all of our sweet children. Hopefully the temperatures next year will be more balanced, and we will have a productive garden again and get the clothesline working well.... these are a few of my favorite things, and without them, summer is for the birds!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE fall as well, Looking forward to walks in the evening in our flannels or sweaters.

Love, Jason

Amy said...

And looking forward to snuggling :-) Cooler weather is so nice for snuggling!

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