
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You know you're pregnant when....

..."every commercial on tv either makes you sad or hungry."

..."You use your belly as a resting place for the book you are reading or the cereal bowl you are eating out of" ( my husband is a little jealous of that one I think, kind of nice to have a tray with you everywhere)

..."you avoid eating anything except bread or pasta for fear of getting heartburn..."

..."when dumb things **** you off (like the cat rubbing against your leg too much)"

.."you need a running start to get out of a chair/off a couch"

..."you frequently find yourself checking Discovery Health channel to see if "a baby story" is on, much to the dismay of those around you... then you get upset when people moan that they have seen that episode three times that week already..."

..."You feel like you want to eat someone's head one minute then cry because you are feeling particularly lonely the next."

..."*Having to sticky-note everything and keep a detailed running list of things to do because you can't remember what you did five minutes ago, let alone what you need to do in a week (then to decide you don't have the energy to do it anyway so you end up laying in bed all afternoon!!)"
(that one was probably my favorite!)

Some of these people really had me cracking up, check out this site for more cute sympathy pains....,t106455

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