
Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Yes, another blog today. I tend to write as a stress reliever. The baby is down for a nap, and the older children are finishing a movie. Patti so sweetly came down this morning and helped with a few chores, and that was a tremendous relief. A few moments to drink another cup of coffee and an adult conversation were an added bonus.

And I know I am not that scary, but I am pretty offended by those that decide to coddle to the obvious monster because they seem to be worried that her next temper tantrum might be thrown in their direction. Whatever. My hypocrite radar is working.

On a lighter note.... ahhh, I don't feel like a lighter note at the moment... maybe I will blog again yet today. Oh wait, I know what the lighter note is, I actually have a few friends that are particularly looking forward to being visited by and coming to visit me while I am accompanied by all 11 children! Seriously good friends, that is all I have to say for now.

1 comment:

Patti said...


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