
Monday, July 6, 2009

Post Holiday - Pre Dreaminess

It takes a lot of work to have fun! The swimming, and bonfires, and picnics, and sleepovers,and parties were all absolutely wonderful, but I am actually looking forward to my somewhat regular routine again today, (with the exception of course of an afternoon Matinee at the movies a little later today). We have gotten some wonderful news that some of our dear friends are moving into the property behind ours, so the already friendly neighborhood is going to get a lot more fun very soon! They have three little boys, well, two at the moment and one due in 5 weeks, so the gender ratios will get evened out around here! That is good news for Chester at this point. As the children were swimming next door yesterday we were chatting with those sweet neighbors about the good news. Apparently both the neighbors have a love of dirt bikes, so visions of tracks racing between the properties were dancing in their heads. I can't say I have a huge love of dirt bikes, but I am delighted at the thought of the community camaraderie and had a lovely sleeping dream of our utopian neighborhood. Definitely not a bad feeling! So in the future when our goats holler their echoing "MAA", and our guineas let out a chorus of cackles it may be drowned out by the sound of roaring engines! Seriously, I do not mind not being the loudest neighbors, I am totally looking forward to the fun! God is good!

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