
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Last evening, last week, last month.... moments with loved ones...

Sometimes my night owl self kicks in and I get nostalgic 'til the wee morning hours.... you can join me if you like, but be warned, things might get sentimental.

Tonight we took our children to a hibachi grill for the first time. Hibachi grills are fascinating experiences and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

We were joined by my mother-in-law, and father-in-law, and sister-in-law and niece. We decided it would be great fun to put my niece on the spot, so to speak. As you can see here, no one minded wishing her a "Happy Birthday" a few months late!!!

We followed up supper with some mini golf. The evening was perfect for it. A balmy night with laughter and love and fun and good memories that will likely last a lifetime.

As I see how quickly my own children are growing up, I am reminded to cherish every moment at every stage that we are gifted with sharing with the children that cross our paths. Someday we will probably be vague memories to them, but the good feelings, and the love that we have for them will hopefully plant seeds that will help them to have a positive outlook on the world, and the assurance that they are loved by many.

A few weeks ago we were privileged to be able to watch my sister's older children while their Daddy had back surgery. Aren't they adorable?

And a few months ago I was honored with a visit from my Mom and her Mom, my Grandma. These are the ladies who raised me. They are strong, intelligent, and beautiful. I hope I have inherited their genes for youthful aging, can you believe that Grandma is 90?!!! While I was growing up Grandma lived next door, that was a gift that I only now realize the value of, and my Mom was always my best friend, time has tested and tried our relationship, but I am so pleased to say that it is stronger and deeper than ever, and God has been very, very good to me. The older I get, the more I realize how blessed I have been my entire life, and how God has worked everything out for good. It really helps me to trust Him with the future.

And the man that has made all my dreams come true!!!! My life is perfect because of YOU, Darling!!! Thank you for the sensitivity, thank you for the sweetness, thank you for being such a good provider, thank you for your strength, thank you for your patience. We were made to be together. Now all I wish for is safety, and health, and longevity, for all of us, and the blessed continuation of all that we are working at. God is so good!!!! And you reflect Him.


Patti said...

This is beautiful Amy! Thanks for sharing these moments with me.

small farm girl said...

There is nothing like the love of family. Cherish it.

Mama Mess said...

What a lovely family you have! It's wonderful to be in love with your family isn't it?

Anonymous said...


this is Jason. I wanted to tell you how nice your blogs are. you always seem to be able to touch my heart with your words. you are a wonderful mother, wife, daughter, step daughter, and all around great person. i am so glad to able to spend my life with you. oh, and the picture of me..... i guess i need to work on my smiling techniques.

Mom said...

I will have to start reading your blogs more often. You continue to touch my heart and bring tears to eyes that remain dry too long these days. I love you Amy. Thank you for your kind words and for allowing others to share your world through your heartfelt writings. I'm on my way out to sit a bit with Grandma and will share this with her as I know it will brighten her day. I'm honored to be able to call myself your mother. You are a wonderful person!

Patti said...


She certainly does make ones eyes tear up! I too get touched deeply by her writings she truely has a gift.

Mom said...

Amy, one more thing I'd like to say. I've thanked you for sharing your world with me because it's uplifting and your words have repeatedly touched my heart but I want to add that I'm glad to be able to read your writings because I care about You and Your feelings. I'm not always looking for cheer, beauty or my own selfish benefit from your expressions but I'm looking to know the heart of my daughter who means the world to me. I'm thankful you are able to share your good times and your bad times. I'm grateful to be able to be involved somewhat with EVERY part of your world. I love you and am so glad I have a daughter who knows the freedom and the healing her writings can bring to all including Amy. You are a strong woman who has learned and is continuing to learn a valuable lesson in self-preservation and the preservation of yourself is the only way to be there for those your love. You are not a negative person but you are well balanced. You are not fake showing only a good side and yet not continually down. You are real with happy days and sad. You share them all and I love that. Thank you for being YOU.

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