
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shiloh's Birthday My Baby is 7 !!!!!

My baby turned seven today! She wanted to have a "family day", meaning doing all her favorite things at home with everyone's day devoted entirely to doing them with her. We had pancakes for breakfast with some of our homemade syrup, and after breakfast she opened her gifts. She had been wanting a Baby Alive just forever and she was absolutely delighted to finally have one of her very own. Yesterday, her sisters asked if I would take them shopping so they could spend some of their own money on gifts for their littlest sister. I have to say that I was touched to my depths with their desire to get her something special. They truly succeeded! They got her some beautiful little dolls for her dollhouse and some lovely lockets.
I am so blessed to have such caring children. They are my hearts greatest joy.... along with their darling daddy :) Shiloh's birthday was a marvelous and refreshing day, but also a little sobering. Children grow up so quickly, they are so precious, my wish and prayer for each one of them is for them to grow up healthy and kindhearted and find favor first with God, but also with mankind...
We had a spaghetti luncheon and in the evening Mimi and Poppy joined us for Bocce, that was lots of fun. Shiloh planned all the meals and activities for the day, we wrapped things up with pizza delivery, cake and ice cream, and a movie. Great day all around!
This is the cake that the kids helped Mommy make.....
And this is the cake that the kids helped Daddy make......

1 comment:

A Moment of My Time said...

What a great birthday Shiloh had and such a happy face

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