
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Drawbridge Up

The water is high
The water is low
The water has no place to go

The bridge is high
The bridge is low
The bridge is up so the water can flow

Burnt its not
Neither gone
But raised for now to save a home

The sad one knows
The deep one cares
The ones that don't can have their dares

On my walls
On my heart
The way to life does not depart

Flow on by
Flood waters will
Waiting, I stand on a hill

Not an island
Not a cave
Not a coward, not a knave

A home, a heart
A love worth time
Focused now on me and mine

Focused then
On theirs and ours
The sandman and the midnight hours

The bairn, the barn
The carriage and barrow
Broken mirror, black cat, escape is narrow

It all has
Its worthy part
To save the world its horse then cart

First things first
look inside
Last things last, gods will guide


Patti said...

Powerful message

Jason Pfleegor said...

Wow lovey, you are amazing. Inspirational.

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