
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Muddy Thoughts

Around here, at this time of year, everything is muddy, including my thoughts. At least this year they are. They are cold, a little gloomy, and waiting. Waiting for sunshine, for warmth, for beauty, and for new life. Blossoms and babies are making a timid appearance and although it is still freezing cold most days, there are some days that offer the hope of change, (and I don't mean for that to sound pro Obama, I am not impressed with his idea of change). May holds the promise of Mother's Day, my birthday and garden planting. I guess I can hold out until then, put on another sweater, wear the rubber boots, and fire up the heater, for just a few more weeks.....

What I have a harder time visualizing is the springtime of the soul. The new life, and positive changes that need to happen in the cold hearts. Seeds of love just don't seem to grow in freezing conditions and the only way I seem to know how to warm them up is with a blow torch... I need to pray for the sunshine of the soul, for a more gentle spirit that leads to gentle answers, perhaps then I will learn how to at least turn away the wrath. I am hoping for the end of winter harshness and the new birth of beginnings that lead to kindness. There is a worse crisis than the economy these days, there is a crisis of wisdom and insight and moral integrity. Shiny things, shiny people, the pursuit of riches and the facade of wealth, they dazzle the weak minded and lead astray the masses. I suppose it has always been thus. I suppose it is a problem as old as time itself. I suppose that in May I will not be so bothered by it.


adalong said...

Good to read your tho'ts, Amy! Things will be better with warmer weather, I'm convinced. Love ya, Ada

Patti said...

I love your writings, they bring such provoking thoughts to my mind. Spring will be here soon and we all will be thankful for fresh beginnings!

Vicki & Bruce said...

Very well said, Amy! I, too, struggle with my flesh (all flesh is common to man!) Someone wise once said we will always struggle with it because it will always be there. We just need to make the spirit stronger. Easier said than done!!! And what strengthens your spirit? A very thought provoking question. And what can soothe the wrath festering in our hearts? Another question that I have spent years seeking answers.....

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