My little Shiloh. I was unpleasantly surprised to be unable to find a nice picture of Shiloh among my recent at-home pictures. She is either slightly hiding or headed off somewhere. This is a recent photo of our picnic at the lake, but as you can see she is in a hurry to be somewhere. She reminds me a bit of a hummingbird... usually in motion, slightly elusive, but easily attracted by food!

We are among the many that realize the importance and value of the little honey bee and their services to the world, what a sweet life they lead.

Lovely Destiny, looking rather concerned about the well-being of the precious arrivals in the chicken coop.

Our pair of broody hens, sat together, hatched young chicks together, and care for them together. What nice friends!

Happy Birthday Chicky Baby! You won't be lonely for long!

Absolutely incredible how each day old peep knows that Mommy Hen has all the answers!

And that is me having a sunny moment........

Gardner Chester showing off his watermelon patch......

We can't wait to taste his crop!

The chicks of the spring are growing big and strong!

Miss Ave´is eager to master the skill of goat milking.

And Savannah is sweeter than the flowers she loves......

Each day has it dawn and its dusk, its good moments and its not so good moments. It is a blessed thing to grow a little sun if you can, for those days when the sky is dark.......