
Monday, August 22, 2016

Walk Like a Tadpole

From the stars it shines
The blue cord of time
Reminding me of these
Things of truth and unity
Why I'm here
And what it cost
Without my presence
What would be lost
struggles always very real
leave a warrior
loathe to feel
the constant pain
of cutting reins
the load once heavy
now simply sings
of epic fights
and not one right
just deep and long
so goes the song
standing still upon a hill
the sweeping vista boggy
the deepest pits
we soon will know
now mystical and foggy
should we fear?
should we turn back?
should we give up?
what do we lack?
what will we make?
what will we kill?
will we die?
we know we will,
till then we try,
we try for home,
we try for hope,
we try for balance,
we feel the rope.
the whip of time,
it lashes out
across our backs
we learn to doubt
the smart ones talk
they say we make
the bed we leave
they say we choose
the breast we cleave
they say we knew
that time we weave
and space we heave
with each sweet breath
with each brief thought
linger long we should
but don't
on the hook
that has us caught
we don't think much
about the trap
not at all
about the snap
that could be had
if fought we did
against the pull
against the harvester
against the cruel
cold hand of fate
that we believe
has yet to make
or break our life
unless we grow
something that
does not exist
we must manifest
so think we must
think long and hard
about the
about the
do you really want to be
the fish they caught
these fishers of men?

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Gleaning is a practice of collecting what is left over from the harvest. The farmer would go through and collect the lion's share and purposefully not pick up the scraps, because that was how welfare worked then. Those who needed food could collect the scraps. Maybe welfare still works that way somewhere, but I am not familiar with it being a local practice in these parts of the world.

I am purposefully using that word in regards to my understanding of the gods. I feel like I have what is left over from the harvest of religions. Years and years of opinionated religious toils have left the field worked over, just bits and pieces of what was are now left for me to scrounge. Yet, these bits are seeds, and plant them I will.

One variety of seed is called "El Ohim." I don't entirely understand all that it is, but I know that it is plural. The "El Ohim" are the ones referred to in Genesis as "We." The "We" who made mankind in their image, "male and female." Theories suggest that the ancient texts have been written and rewritten to reflect various view points, and that seems to make sense to me. I have also heard that some believe that each word, even each letter holds significance, perhaps a meaning all its own. That also seems believable to me, but I make of it then my own accounting.

The significance continues with another word "El Elyon." El Elyon is the highest of the El Ohim. You have heard of a "man's man?" Well, El Elyon seems to be a "god's god."

Who the Els are could be highly debated, of course, like all religion, politics and child-raising... I just can't let go of the debatable, but nonetheless, all I'm saying is that I too have opinions. Don't you just love them, opinions?

My opinion is that the Bible is polytheistic, at least in part, and that opinion makes me smile and opens up my views. I have planted that seed in my thoughts, and it is growing nicely.... matter of fact, it has grown so big over the recent years that I have fully embraced the concepts of polytheism outside of the Biblical narrative as well, and that also makes me smile and opens up my views so large that the Bible is now a part of my own historical influence, a portion of my belief system. So many interesting, interesting stories of gods and god's gods, and they seem to have similarities, as if all of our ancestors grew on the same earth.... amazing, isn't it?

Just in case you would like to look into the Els a little more for yourself, if you haven't already, I recommend these links: Bible Hub Hebrew Study of elohim and Bible Hub Hebrew Study of El Elyon

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