
Friday, February 20, 2015

The Biscotti Breakfast "Diet"

Diets seem to be trending this week. Perhaps many ladies in these parts are thinking spring and bathing suits and shorts, etc. I know I have been. I never excessively diet, but I do tend to watch what I eat if I notice that my pants are starting to fit too snugly. I don't really mind a little extra weight in the winter. I noticed that when I had a lot of post-baby weight that I stayed warmer. I am usually so cold when the temperatures drop that a few extra pounds are welcome if it means not being so chilly. The easy trend of gaining some weight over the holidays doesn't bother me, but I don't really want it to snowball year after year. I do want to be energetic and also to fit into the clothes that are in my dressers. Spring tends to naturally shed some pounds for me, because the outdoors beckon me to walk more and to play in the dirt! Gardening is a phenomenal exercise and the side effects are a healthier diet! Fresh veggies are harder to come by this time of year, but that doesn't mean there aren't many nutritious options available. Eating well doesn't have to come with an extreme amount of willpower when the food tastes delicious. For example, biscotti, some biscotti would not fall into the category of a healthy breakfast, but this recipe easily does. Granted, biscotti aren't going to be nearly as delicious unless you have a hot drink to dip them into. My favorite combination would be an organic coffee with organic milk.

Blessed Breakfast Biscotti

2 large/medium or 3 small eggs (responsibly homegrown or local farm raised are great, or organic at the store, if you must)
2/3 cup sugar (I used organic rapadura this time)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder (no aluminum, please)
1/2 teaspoon salt (good stuff, of course, like Himalayan)
1/2 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon (if it isn't specifically Ceylon it might be hard on your kidneys)
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (specifically good for the kidneys and liver)
2 teaspoons real vanilla extract
2 cups flour (I think I used spelt this time which tends to leave recipes too moist, so I added a bit more. This recipe should be a bit moist, though, about like cookie dough)
3/4 cup finely chopped nuts and/or seeds ( I think I used a full cup this time)
   ~suggestions: a mix of almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, cocoa nibs, pistachios...  (I chopped them finely in a mini-food processor)
2 Tablespoons Buttermilk (more or less to get a slightly moist consistency, you could use regular milk, or maple syrup, but buttermilk really adds an extra delicious flavor)

Preheat oven to 350ยบ (I just learned that holding down the "option" key and "0" gives you the degree symbol on a Mac)

Mix everything together well. On a slightly greased cookie sheet (stoneware rocks!) shape all of the dough into a parallelogram, which in this case would be a rectangle that looks like it is leaning, or just shape it into a rectangle, but later you are going to cut it into strips and if you are OCD you will wish that you had made the corners more angled, but you can make this recipe twice and adjust it the next time, of course. Oddly shaped biscotti can still be delicious.

 Bake for about 30 minutes. 

Let cool for 5 minutes and then cut into strips. Leave a small amount of space between each strip and bake for another 30 minutes.

Let the biscotti cool completely. If you would like a finishing touch, I recommend that you mix together a few tablespoons of organic powdered sugar with a few tablespoons of maple syrup to create a drizzle. Mix it with a fork and use the fork to create lovely lines over one side of the biscotti. The drizzle will harden slightly as it dries.

Enjoy! Be healthy! 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Essential Oil Thoughts

Essential Oils.

A few years ago I discovered them. It started with Tea Tree Oil. That was it. For about a year or two I occasionally used it for cleaning, that was pretty much all I used it for, but I enjoyed it. Then, I decided to try it on a wart that I had on my foot, a stubborn wart that refused all other types of treatment, medical and home remedies. I'm not exactly sure if it was the Tea Tree Oil and vinegar combination, or if it was that I also had just discovered Lemon Essential Oil and Thieves Oil Blends and was using them with joy. It all sort of becomes a blur from there, but the wart on my foot disappeared, the lemon essential oil seemed to bring my young daughter's fever down, the smells were poetic and powerful and I was hooked. I now refer to myself as an essential oils addict, not a professional, not an expert, just living a life immersed in the desire to know more, experience more, and share more about these little bottles of bliss.

One of the first things you will hear from anybody who is anybody and knows anything in the essential oil world is that not all essential oils are created equal. There really needs to be a strict quality control or the high concentrations can do much more harm than good. The other thing is that oils are potent. Centuries of use have helped the masses determine many of the positive and negative effects of their use. Learn about each oil from a variety of sources before using at all. Some oils are even dangerous for aromatherapy. There, now that you are either too scared to ever trying any of them or have gained a worthy respect for these deserving fluids, we can move on to briefly discussing dilution. Carrier oils are often recommended for many reasons, they lesson the sensitivity that some people experience from some oils, and they stretch the usage if you need them to. Sometimes you might not need them, sometimes you might, opinions and experiences vary greatly.

The following thoughts are related to personal experience, my opinions might change, and my knowledge might grow, and I will not be held accountable for your personal experiences due to being influenced by mine. That said, you might be curious about some of the things we do with all these precious oil relationships... 

For starters, we clean with them. We are a semi-large family in a semi-small house and there is a lot of cleaning that gets done, there is a lot more that probably should get done, but ever since I discovered that there are oils that are not only beneficial for cleaning, and that they are not only non-toxic, but actually healthy, and that there are some that deter moths, spiders, and rodents! Well, let's just say that cleaning became more mystical, sort of, but in a practical sense. I could still clean a lot more often than I do, but when I do clean now I like it a lot more! 

Peppermint: It is refreshing, possibly very beneficial for the respiratory system and it is reputed to deter spiders and mice. The kitties might like it, though. Try not to get any on a cat, they can be pretty sensitive to oils on their skin, but don't be surprised if they follow you around while you clean!

Lavender: The potential benefits of lavender aromatherapy are vast and it deters moths.

Tea Tree: I'm not sure where to even begin to sing the praises of Tea Tree Essential Oil. Some people aren't fond of the smell, but I think it smells fresh and protective. Tea Tree is a basic pest deterrent, it also is known to be very good at killing the things you want dead, like germs and bacterias, molds and mildews, dust mites and lice... but don't take my word for it! Do some research and be amazed! 

A favorite cleaning blend for us is:
Tea Tree
Several drops of each in a spray bottle with water
You could add extra cleaners or vinegar if you like, but it isn't always necessary, depending on the task. 
Just the water and oils are great for wiping down walls, door knobs, railings, spot cleaning floors, etc... and it is a wonderful air freshener!

Thieves Blends: There are recipes for mixing your own, or you can buy a variety from pretty much any reputable essential oil company. The basic mixture includes Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Lemon, and Rosemary. You could just stop here on your Essential Oil Adventure. Never learn another thing about any other oils and so long as you learn the benefits of these few gifted drops of the gods I can die in peace knowing I have helped to influence the world and make it a better place. Seriously, this blend is just about perfect for whatever ails you.... especially the Plague, or so the story goes... We often just rub this blend on our feet and hands, but is also a great cleaning, air freshening and pest deterrent, as well as so much more! 

Around the holidays this year we found ourselves with two diffusers, and my life just keeps getting better and better. These diffusers put out a fine mist, a mist that can be infused with "magic," not really, but maybe! It sure feels magical somedays. A little water, a few drops of this or that, a push of the button, and the room becomes a haven. Some of my favorite diffuser blends so far are:

Bay and Lemon Myrtle
Bay and Jasmine
Ravensara, Nutmeg, and Lemon
Peppermint and Vanilla
Sweet Orange and Cinnamon Leaf
Tangerine and Sage
Jasmine and Cypress

The combinations are pretty much endless.... 

Citronella: I have used this oil to stay mentally grounded. Sometimes my thoughts can get a little spacey and as a result I can feel physically dizzy with really cold hands, it happens a lot during conversations with people that are religiously dogmatic. This oil does seem to help me, for whatever reason, but it is also the oil that is most likely to be strongly recognized by passers-by. "Who smells like a camping candle?" You might call it a people deterrent.... which isn't always a bad thing, but you might want to know this in case there is someone you prefer to not deter. As you probably know, it is also used as a deterrent for mosquitos and other insects.

Petitgrain is an oil that I recently discovered. Note that many oils have been used for centuries, but that most of them are relatively new to me. I will just briefly mention that Petitgrain is supposed to be a powerful emotional balancer and healer, as well as boosting the well-being of internal organs and combating bacterias that cause us to smell funky when we sweat... I mean really, what's not to love? Well, you might not love the smell all by itself, but when in combination with other scents it is actually a popular perfume additive!

One drop of Tangerine Oil in an eco-canteen of fresh water makes the beverage of beverages even more refreshing!

I am hoping to make some crockpot Castile soap again soon. We have tried many essential oil blends in the past. Cypress and White Thyme was one of my favorites. I want to make a batch of Frankincense, Sage and Rose next time.

This is pretty much just a tip of an iceberg in the world of essential oils. I have not given you a single reference to back up any of my statements, but that is mostly because I just want to encourage you to start your own research and experimentation. If you are reading this then you have access to the internet and a universe of information! Learn! Explore! Be Blessed!

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