We might be birds of a feather if a bunch of these apply, not all, but the more the better!
You covet roadside berries.
You have taken long walks to see toads mating or other seemingly odd reasons to take a long walk to observe something in nature.
People aren't sure if you are a hippy or a religious fanatic.
If you are way too serious about God stuff.
If you think individual "communion" cups should be much larger and contain real wine and church should not always take place early in the morning, and it should probably be outside around a huge fire more often, but we shouldn't burn anything on it except wood that came from a tree that got knocked down in a storm....
If you think "foot washing" is figurative for cleaning houses.
If you love solitude and people.
If you often sound contradictory.
If money is necessary, but not a main motivation if at all possible.
If you think GMOs should be outlawed.
If you think handing your children over to the government is risky.
If you enjoy a documentary and/or a long biography.
If woodsmoke is aromatherapy.
You drink a pot of coffee a day.
Baking bread from scratch is not something the "superwomen" do, but good therapy.
You collect material and sewing machines.
You at least attempt to garden and occasionally can something.
The words "wives submit" might make your husband spit milk through his nose.
You believe that the Bible is a book of truth, but that it usually gets interpreted wrong.
You are a mystic, or want to be.
You love long, long talks around campfires.
You think that children are the most precious thing in the whole world, but you beg people to watch yours sometimes.
Mowing lots of grass makes very little sense.
You've counted the immature fruits on your fruit tree and your chickens before they've hatched.
If you think hospitality can't ever be overrated, but sometimes/often you don't answer your phone, and you hate pop-ins.
You know you don't make sense.
Only mean people and friends of mean people get unfriended, the depressive sorts make you feel connected, and the encouraging sorts really do make your day sometimes... sometimes they even make your whole life feel worthwhile.
You are a very, very relaxed housekeeper.
You aren't competitive or easily intimidated.
You are comfortable with your body type.
You prefer walking to running.
You consider yourself a goat person, or at least want to come to my house and milk my goats.
If you are a bit of a disappointed idealist.. or a poet.