She should have been resting.... in the hospital! Gram welcomed us with open arms and smiles and gifts, even though she is suffering from pneumonia! Her granddaughter, Savannah, is following in her footsteps of love. Somehow, sweet Savannah managed to get her face covered in poison ivy! Poor dear, but she arrived with smiles and good natured laughs, the round of comments were simply unavoidable, but all were made with much sympathy.
Getting together to share a meal, to share a hug, to share a memory. Little Hazel and her Uncle Rob certainly helped to create sweet memories. Why do babies prefer some over others? Hard to say, but little Hazel certainly adores that Uncle Rob of hers, and I'm pretty sure he has a special place in his heart for her also. Watching the sweetness is endearing and heartwarming.
In-laws, out-laws... the law of love... that is what binds. This picture, this day, these people, not a perfect one among us. We may not even know each other very well, but we love somebody in this group, perhaps we even love everybody in this group. My fondness continues to grow for the ones that hold love and kindness high, for the ones that don't pick and choose who is family and who is not, for the ones that welcome anyone that longs to be connected for better and for worse. It is so much easier to be tolerant and forgiving of the ones that are tolerant and forgiving of me, but tolerance and forgiveness also needs to be extended to the ones that aren't in the picture. I don't know all the reasons that the family photo lacks a family that should have been there, but I know that they were missed. And I am glad that they were invited. I've heard some say that invitations don't get extended when it is certain that they will be declined, but I say, "They're far more likely to not come if they aren't invited!" I know from personal experience that even though there are times, for various reasons, that I don't feel able to embrace reunions, it is nice to be invited and welcomed, even if it is a welcome from a distance...