Happy Birthday, Chester!!!
A few months ago we were browsing through the Dadant catalog and saw this child's beekeeper suit. Chester expressed an enthusiastic desire to partake in his Daddy's hobby. I thought that was just the greatest idea, so for quite some time I planned on purchasing this outfit for Chester's birthday. Chester hadn't mentioned it again, and he really didn't seem to have his heart set on anything in particular in the way of birthday gifts. Yesterday I was poking around a little bit to see if he did have any expectations I wasn't aware of, and he said... so long as my birthday present has something to do with bugs I will love it!!! I sure was relieved!! This is a very buggy gift, and very bonding as well, and SWEET!!! Jason's honey extractor came the same day the child's beekeeper suit did, so hopefully they will soon be filling our home with the valuable and delicious liquid gold, which, by the way happens to be the only real food that does not spoil, or so I have read. I think we are all feeling very blessed in this household today!!! Thank YOU, Heavenly Father!!!